We help organisations publish open, standardised grants data, and empower people to use it to improve charitable giving.
A search-engine for grants data. Explore and download in detail on where and how much funding goes across billions of pounds of grants.
A tool to combine and visualise 360Giving and charity data to understand funders better. You can explore funding across different areas – from grant dates to types of recipients.
A uniform and consistent way to describe grants data. Publishing data in this standard format means it’s easier to find, understand and compare funding across the UK.
A list of all the organisations that currently publish their grants data in the 360Giving Data Standard, with direct links to their data sources.
Join the open grants movement
We are a charity that helps organisations to publish open, standardised grants data, and supports people to use it to improve charitable giving
By Vicky Toothill September 26, 2022
Inclusions-and-Wellbeing-Impact-Form.docx (updated links)
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