Our tools

Access 360Giving data using our free, online tools

Our tools

To help people to access and use 360Giving data, we have created free online tools which make it easy to explore, analyse, download and visualise. Because the data is standardised, it can be looked at and analysed all together, helping us to see and understand grantmaking across the UK.

In this page, we explain a bit more about all of our tools – their purpose and how you can use them. 

GrantNavGrantNav logo

Want to search the data? GrantNav is our flagship search engine for grants data. Explore and download data about where funding goes and how much is given across billions of pounds of grants, for causes and locations across the UK.

360Insights 360Insights logo

Want to summarise and visualise grants? 360Insights is a simple tool to help you understand funding better. Combine and visualise 360Giving and charity data to see an overview of grants by locations, recipient types and more.

Data Quality Dashboard

Data Quality Dashboard logo

Want to understand the qualities of the 360Giving data? The Data Quality Dashboard helps funders understand the key features that make data useful. You can use the Dashboard to understand individual funders’ data, as well as the 360Giving dataset as a whole.

Cost of Living Grants Tracker

Want to understand how funders have responded to the Cost of Living Crisis? The Cost of Living Grants Tracker is our new interactive dashboard to track cost of living grants. Explore and visualise Cost of Living grants as they’re published by funders using the 360Giving Data Standard.

Data Registry Data Registry logo

Want a list of all the funders who publish open grants data? The Data Registry is a list of all the organisations that currently publish their grants data in the 360Giving Data Standard, with direct links to their data sources. 

Do you have more complex data needs?

The 360Giving Datastore offers a convenient way for developers, researchers and other users with more complex needs to access grants data published in the 360Giving Data Standard directly and run queries on it. You can learn more about the Datastore and how to access it on our Datastore page.


Want to help us improve our tools?

If you have suggestions on how we can improve our tools, please please email labs@threesixtygiving.org.